
Cicale - Heather Parisi - 1981 - Musica italiana anni 80

Cicale - Heather Parisi - 1981

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Nel 1978 faccio il mio primo viaggio oltreoceano per una vacanza in Italia in Sardegna e a Roma. Come accade in un film, o in sogno, due giorni prima di tornare a casa vengo notata in una discoteca della capitale da un coreografo e subito lanciata come “prima ballerina” nel programma televisivo 

“Luna Park” condotto da Pippo Baudo with Massimo TroisiBeppe GrilloTina Turner e molti artisti nuovi. Durante il mio primo provino mi esibisco ballando sulla scrivania dello straordinario dirigente RAI Giovanni Salvi. Sono presenti anche il capostruttura RAI, Elena Balestri, Pippo Baudo 

e il regista Luigi Bonori. Sono tutti d'accordo: per loro sono una forza della natura e per di più è sexy, ironica, biondissima e con un irresistibile “accento americano”. Debutto così, ballando la sigla “Anche noi”, cantata dai New Trolls, in “Luna Park”

Da allora Giornali e riviste fanno a gara per avermi in copertina.
La mia consacrazione come TV Entertainer, cantante e ballerina avviene con“Fantastico” in prima serata al sabato sera. Ne sarò la protagonista di ben cinque edizioni.

Source: Heather Parisi

In 1978 at the age of 18, I made my first trip overseas to have some holiday in Italy, in Sardinia and Rome. As it happens in a movie, or in a dream, two days before returning home, I was noticed in a nightclub in Rome by a choreographer and a few months later, I was launched as the 

“Prima Ballerina” in a TV show called “Luna Park” hosted by Pippo Baudo with Massimo TroisiBeppe GrilloTina Turner and many new artists. My first audition was in Giovanni Salvi’s office, where I danced on his desk. He was at that time the Director of Rai 1 There were also Elena Balestri, 

Pippo Baudo and the director Luigi Bonori. They all agreed: I was sexy, full of energy, ironic, blonde and with an irresistible “American accent”. That was my debut, besides performing numbers during the entire show, I was dancing the opening number “Anche noi” by New Trolls in Luna Park.

Since then, newspapers and magazines started competing to have me on their covers.
The consecration as a TV Entertainer, singer/dancer is with the show “Fantastico” on Saturday Night, Prime Time. I will be the protagonist of this show for five editions.

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