M'innamoro di te - I Ricchi e Poveri - 1981
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I Ricchi e Poveri: Biografia | Biography
Fonte: ricchiepoveri.com
Nel 1963 due ragazzi, Angelo e Franco, entrano a far parte di un gruppo musicale ligure che porta il nome de "I Jets" e che si prefigge l'obiettivo di distaccarsi dalle band dell'epoca facendo musica meno commerciale. Una sera incontrano Angela, che canta nelle balere liguri con "I Preistorici",
e rimangono colpiti dal suo forte temperamento e carisma, tanto da soprannominarla "Rita Pavone genovese".
Dopo qualche anno entrambi i gruppi si sciolgono; nasce così l'idea di formare un nuovo gruppo musicale composto da Angela, Angelo, Franco e Marina (un'amica di Angela, conosciuta in una scuola di canto). Il quartetto, che prende il nome di FAMA MEDIUM, comincia ad esibirsi in alcuni
locali del lungomare genovese e, visto il successo ottenuto, decide di dedicarsi completamente alla musica.
Chiusi in studio, oltre a comporre nuove melodie caratterizzate dall’inserimento nella musica pop di fugati, armonizzano brani di vari gruppi quali “Mamas and Papas”, “Double Six” e “Crosby Stills Nash and Jung”.
Dopo alcuni mesi di prove Fabrizio de André, il primo a credere nel gruppo, gli organizza un'audizione presso una casa discografica di Milano. Purtroppo questo provino non viene superato e De André, estremamente dispiaciuto per l'esito, esclama: "Questi di musica non capiscono nulla, ma voi avrete comunque successo!"
Verso la fine del 1967 tornano a Milano per un'altra audizione presso una differente casa discografica il cui direttore artistico era Franco Califano. Entusiasta dei quattro decide di diventare il loro produttore e dopo avergli creato un nuovo look, che comprende un taglio maschile per i capelli di
Angela ed un'ossigenata a quelli di Angelo e Marina, li guarda e dice: "Siete ricchi di idee e poveri di soldi". Nasce così il loro nome, ormai leggenda, di RICCHI E POVERI.
Source: Wikipedia
Ricchi e Poveri [ˈrikki e pˈpɔːveri] (The Rich and Poor) is an Italian pop music group. Active since the late 1960s, they have sold over 20 million records. The group was formed in 1967 by Franco Gatti (born October 4, 1942 in Genoa), Angela Brambati (born October 20, 1947 in Genoa),
Angelo Sotgiu (born February 22, 1946 in Trinità d'Agultu e Vignola) and Marina Occhiena (born March 10, 1950 in Genoa). Their first public appearance was in Cantagiro 1968 with "L'ultimo amore". Ricchi e Poveri has participated in the Sanremo Music Festival several times since 1970 and
in 1971 they sang "Che sarà". Ricchi e Poveri represented Italy in Eurovision Song Contest 1978 with song "Questo amore" finishing 12th with 53 points. In 1981 Marina Occhiena left the group.
Ricchi e Poveri has recorded in Italian and Spanish and the group had some of the most popular Italian songs of the 1980s and 1990s, including "Mamma Maria", "Se m'innamoro", "Made in Italy", "M'innamoro di te" and many others.
Their hit "Che sarà" has also been performed by José Feliciano and by the composer of the song's music, Jimmy Fontana. 1971 was the final year of the Sanremo festival in which each song was performed twice, each time by a different artist.
Ricchi e Poveri gave the second performance of the song, following Feliciano, who had worldwide hits with Italian, Spanish and English versions of the song.
A crossover version for Latin American countries of the single "Sarà perché ti amo" was recorded with Spanish lyrics. The song, now titled "Será porque te amo", also became a huge hit in Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America.
Several groups covered the song, adapting it to different genres including tropical, dance, and various forms of Mexican folk music known as Grupera. The Latino boy band projects Los Chicos and Los Chamos, and the Italo-Dance band Eu4ya also covered the song, but the lyrics were heavily altered;
only the chorus line was kept in one verse and the rest was rearranged to make the song more appealing to teenagers.
The song is featured in some film soundtracks: l'Éffrontée (1985), Spike of Bensonhurst (1988), High Tension (2003) and Unmade Beds (2009).
As of 2007 the song is still being covered in all genres and it has achieved somewhat of a cult/nostalgia status in several Spanish-speaking countries, as a symbol of a generation. The song was remade in 2008 in German, by Diana Sorbello as "Das ist, weil ich dich liebe" and in 2011, in Dutch, by Monique Smit and Tim Douwsma as "Eén zomeravond met jou".
Ricchi e Poveri held two massive concerts in the Mediterranean island of Malta on the 12 and 13 June 2009. The band remains popular in Malta and it returned for another concert on 6 November 2010. Ricchi e Poveri completed a tour of Italy and Slovenia in 2012.
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