
Amoureux solitaires - Lio - 1981 - Pop music 80s

Amoureux solitaires - Lio - 1981

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Lio: Biografia | Biography

Fonte: Wikipedia

Wanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado Tavares de Vasconcelos, meglio nota come Lio (Mangualde, 17 giugno 1962), è una cantante e attrice portoghese naturalizzata belga. Ebbe un momento di grandissima popolarità a livello internazionale negli anni ottanta col singolo Amoureux solitaires. Il 

suo nome d'arte deriva da un personaggio secondario del fumetto Barbarella, molto popolare in Francia negli anni sessanta e settanta. Figlia di un militare portoghese di stanza in Mozambico, a seguito del divorzio dei genitori si trasferì con la madre a Liegi, in Belgio. 

Qui maturò le prime esperienze artistiche sulla scena del punk rock delle origini. Scoperta e lanciata dal celebre gruppo elettronico belga Telex, nel 1979, a neanche 18 anni, debuttò in Francia con la canzone Le banana split. La sua casa discografica dell'epoca (la francese Ariola, poi rilevata dalla 

multinazionale BMG) decise di investire su di lei, facendole incidere poco dopo il singolo Amoureux solitaires (scritta e prodotta dal musicista parigino Jacno e dalla sua compagna Elli), giunto nel 1981 nelle classifiche di mezza Europa, arrivando tra l'altro al primo posto in Francia e in Italia (dove restò 

4 settimane di fila al vertice della classifica nel maggio di quell'anno) alla quarta posizione nei Paesi Bassi e alla sesta in Austria. Subito dopo venne pubblicato l'album di esordio Lio, che ebbe un discreto successo, trainato dal delizioso singolo Amicalement votre. Da ricordare anche l'album Pop Model del 1986, con i singoli Les brunes comptent pas pour des prunes e Je casse tout ce que je touche.

Tra un disco e l'altro, Lio si è dedicata anche al cinema, con discreto successo. Negli ultimi anni, ha cercato di liberarsi da un'immagine "easy-pop" ormai soffocante, rivolgendosi al rock; album simbolo di questa nuova direzione artistica può essere considerato Wandatta (1996). In seguito ha mutato 

nuovamente stile musicale, senza tuttavia riuscire a riconquistare i favori del pubblico. Ha al suo attivo anche varie collaborazioni con altri cantanti, ad esempio nel brano Les matins de Paris, cantato nel 2007 insieme a Teki Latex.

Source: Wikipedia

Wanda Maria Ribeiro Furtado Tavares de Vasconcelos was born in Mangualde, Portugal. When her father was called up to fight in the Portuguese Army, the family moved to Mozambique. Her parents divorced and, in 1968, Wanda moved with her mother and new stepfather to Brussels, Belgium, 

where her sister, actress Helena Noguerra, was born. In her teens she was determined to become a singer, and she was encouraged by singer-songwriter Jacques Duvall (né Eric Verwilghem), a family friend. She took her stage name, Lio, from a character in the Barbarella comic books by Jean-Claude Forest.

In 1979, together with songwriter Jay Alanski, she and Duvall began working with Marc Moulin and Dan Lacksman from the electro-trio Telex. "Le banana split", which sold over 1 million copies, and "Amoureux solitaires", a song originally by punk rock band Stinky Toys. Both songs rose to the top 

of many pop charts in France, and Moulin and Lacksman also produced her self-titled first album. In 1982 the American music duo Ron and Russell Mael, of Sparks, worked with her on the album Suite Sixtine, on which some of her previous songs were translated into English. Suite Sixtine was 

compiled and art directed by Ralph Alfonso for Attic Records Canada, where it was originally released. Her second album, Amour toujours, was produced by Alain Chamfort and released in 1983. The same year, she first appeared on the screen in Chantal Akerman's film Golden Eighties, a lighthearted, humorous French pop musical about the people who work together in a Parisian shopping center. Lio plays a carefree hairdresser in the movie.[citation needed]

In 1985 she met record company executive and producer Michel Esteban, of ZE Records. She continued to have hit singles in Europe, including "Les brunes comptent pas pour des prunes", and travelled to Los Angeles with Esteban to record her next album Pop model. Several of the tracks were 

co-produced by John Cale, formerly of the Velvet Underground, and the album produced the hits "Fallait pas commencer", "Je casse tout ce que je touche", and "Chauffeur". In 1988, after she had given birth to a daughter with Esteban, she resumed her acting career, starring in Claude Lelouch's 

film Itinéraire d'un enfant gâté. The Lio-Esteban partnership produced another album, Can Can, recorded in Los Angeles and Rio de Janeiro. She also designed a fashion collection for the European department store chain Prisunic.

She appeared in three films in 1990 and 1991, Chambre à part, Sans un cri, and Après l'amour. Her 1991 album, Des fleurs pour un caméléon, was produced by Étienne Daho - she had already contributed vocals for one of Daho's earliest and biggest hits, "Week-End À Rome".[3] Daho was 

given carte blanche in the studio because Lio was busy shooting a film ; however, when his work was over, he showed no interest in promoting the album with her, limiting the success of the album. Her next album, Wandatta, presenting a more mature approach in contrast with her previous image, and 

with a sleeve designed by Guy Peellaert, was released in 1995. However, it was relatively unsuccessful, and she withdrew for a time to live near Angoulême with her partner and children. In 1998, she recorded with Esteban in Cuba, and in 1999 she appeared in 50 performances of the French 

adaptation of Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, a musical staged at the Folies Bergère. She had two kids that year. She released the single Je suis comme je suis and the album Chante Prévert containing interpretations of the poems of Jacques Prévert, in 2000. After performing the songs on tour 

throughout France, Europe and North Africa, she released the live album Cœur de rubis in 2004. She also appeared in over 250 performances of the theater play Le bébé, an adaptation of a book by Marie Darrieussecq staged by Marc Goldberg.

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